Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. At a MUN conference, students work as the representative of a country, organization, or person, and must solve a problem with other delegates from around the world. MUN teaches participants skills like research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership. While Model UN is typically used as an extracurricular activity, some universitys also offer it as a class. Model UN is meant to engage students, and allow them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues.
Delegates conduct research before conferences: they must formulate position papers, and create policy proposals that they will debate with other delegates in their committee. At the end of a conference, delegates will vote on written policies (called draft resolutions), with the goal of passing them with a majority vote. The best-performing delegates in each committee, as well as delegations, are sometimes recognized with awards.
Model UN organizations have conferences that accommodate students, from elementary school, all the way to college or university levels. Most conferences will often cater to just one of these three levels. The GöMUN is primarily for university students but has some guest delegates from highschools aswell. Delegates usually attend conferences together, as delegations sent by their respective school or university’s model UN clubs, though some delegates attend conferences independently.